Realtor | Houston Lead and BCS | Listing & Buyer Specialist | ABR®
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Marcy was blessed to grow up in a small town in central Texas where everyone knew your name. Country living taught her so many life lessons, and she has had the same best friend since she was 3 years old! After graduating high school, Marcy headed to Texas A&M University to carry on her family tradition of being an Aggie. She graduated from Texas A&M University in 1995 with a BBA with an emphasis in Management. An Aggie ring is noticed from a distance and she immediately knows family is nearby. The Aggie Network is stronger today than it has ever been. Marcy is serving her 2nd term on the Board of Directors for The Aggie Women’s Network, active in the Houston A&M Club & Houston Aggie Women. Marcy and her husband just celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary & they have two amazing kids.
In 2012, Marcy and her husband went to India. They heard about the plight of children being enslaved, and they had to go see for themselves what was happening. Kids as young as 4 years old were being sold in to slavery. We’re talking rock quarries, brick kilns, brothels, street begging and child marriage. In August of 2012, Marcy & David Co-Founded Child Freedom Coalition to help give new life and a future to children rescued from human trafficking. They have supported the rescue of over 45,000 children, and have graduated over 1K young adults in their program from vocational training. Marcy loves blending her passion for helping these kids with her real estate career. Marcy created More Than A Home through Child Freedom Coalition where professionals in the home buying industry can commit an amount of their choice from their proceeds to help provide vocational scholarships to young adults rescued from trafficking. Together, we can truly make a difference!
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